Tippi interview link
Mimi and Nastasia spinning gif

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Welcome to Mimi's Archive!

-under construction-

Welcome to my uber-cool tubular swaggy website for only the most cool amazing people ever!! I'm very new to html so this site is mostly just me playing around and trying stuff

I might use this to show my art?? Idk the super paper mario theming is HEAVY mabye just my super paper mario fanart that could be kinda cool right

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis fermentum porta auctor. Mauris eget nulla nec velit posuere blandit. Nunc ex urna, pulvinar ac neque id, eleifend feugiat leo. Integer nec turpis quis nisl pretium faucibus. Suspendisse commodo, mauris eu laoreet ultricies, nunc lorem tincidunt leo, eget consectetur elit lacus a ante. Etiam ultrices hendrerit nibh, ut fringilla dolor vulputate ac. Pellentesque condimentum, augue ut commodo efficitur, sapien elit pellentesque enim, non accumsan eros magna vitae ligula. Cras mattis maximus mollis. Suspendisse non laoreet est. Morbi bibendum viverra fermentum.

Paper Mario aking a nap with Tippi on his head

- My Favorite Super Paper Mario Videos! - Dimentio running in place

Head nudges eat my own ears. Hey! you there, with the hands why can't i catch that stupid red dot, shed everywhere shed everywhere stretching attack your ankles chase the red dot, hairball run catnip eat the grass sniff, or roll over and sun my belly curl up and sleep on the freshly laundered towels.

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